Zooplankton Quiz
Quiz Result
Test what you learned about zooplankton!
What are zooplankton?
Option A
Option B
tiny animals that drift in water
What is the main difference between zooplankton and phytoplankton?
zooplankton are animals and phytoplankton are plants
Option B
Option C
What is the two most common type of zooplankton in freshwater ecosystems?
cladocera and copepods
Option B
Option C
What is the largest type of zooplankton?
Option A
Option C
How do zooplankton feed?
Option A
they use apendages like rakes to filter particles from the water
Option C
What is the role of zooplankton in the food chain?
an intermediary second level heterotroph
Option B
Option C
What is the main predator of zooplankton?
Option A
Option B
other zooplankton and fish
What are some ways that humans can help protect zooplankton and their habitats?
reduce vehicle pollution
reduce waste production
all of the above
What is the main threat to zooplankton populations?
Option A
Option B
the rising sea temperatures due to climate change
What is the relationship between zooplankton and global climate change?
they help to remove carbon from the carbon cycle
Option B
Option C
What type of zooplankton are known for their bioluminescence?
Option A
Option B
What is the smallest type of zooplankton?
Option A
eggs and larva of invertebrates
Option C